“Is any pleasure on earth as great as a circle of Christian friends by a good fire?”
C.S. Lewis—Letters of C.S. Lewis
Jimbo Meador: A naturalist, Sailor, Storyteller, and Fly Fisherman
Jimbo Meador is one of the most iconic figures in the sport of fly fishing. As a lifelong Alabamian, living along the gulf coast, Jimbo has arguably influenced the sport of fly fishing as much as anyone else in the last century. From kayak fishing, paddleboard fishing, retail Orvis stores, and a host of other areas, Jimbo’s hand is evident in the history and future of the sport. Not to mention that his life heavily influenced the character of Forrest Gump, written by his good friend and author Winston Groom. We hope you will enjoy this episode where we sat down with Jimbo in his home office and soaked up all the stories and wisdom he shared with us.
Stephen Rockarts: Owner Fly Fishing Alabama
We cover so much in this episode and we laughed a great deal. If anyone has spent anytime around Stephen he will make you feel good about yourself and have a good time. I have no doubt that translates to his guide service. We discuss his gifting in hospitality and what role that plays in guiding along with his philosophy of what are components of a great trip. Obviously we had to spend some time in discussion about the shore burger and Stephen gives out some secret tips on what makes it so special.
Mary Beth Meeks: Block Print Artist & Fly Fisherwomen
On this episode we get to hear about Mary Beth’s journey in art and fly fishing. She shares with us about her upbringing and we all reminisce about collecting worms and bait to fish with our Zebco 33 as kids.
We loved hearing about the process of making a block print, which is fascinating. We end out time hearing the story about the filming of “The Slam That Saves.”
Kenneth Padgett & Shay Gregorie: Wolfbane Publishing
In this episode we talk cover a lot of ground, like how they started WolfBane Publishing, the beginning of their friendship, and much more. We get to hear about the idea behind their books and the series “The Story of God” and how the art and text come together in a stunning book series you will enjoy for a long time.
Dr. Matt Lewis: Redeye Bass Expert, Author, & Fly Fisherman
We discuss a host of topics from the immense fishing diversity of our beautiful state, Alabama all the way to why we should be good stewards of the resources that have been entrusted to us. Matt has some incredible insight and graciously shares his passion and story with us. If you love the sport of fly fishing and getting in the weeds on conservation, you won’t want to miss this episode.
SD Smith: Author Green Ember Series
In this episode we discuss the art of storytelling and writing. We also talk about loving our place and the value of enjoying where you are and your surroundings.
Dads on the Fly Podcast
Joshua Simmons and Caleb Simmons from the Dad’s on the Fly podcast, both dads as well as brothers. They have a love of fly fishing, and they try to tackle parenting and family in the same way they tackle fly fishing figuring it out as the go along or “On the Fly.” The Dad’s on the Fly podcast broaches a wide variety of topics and guests talking about faith, family, fly fishing, and the intermingling of it all
Samford Outdoor Adventure Club
This week’s episode features a group of freshman college students at Samford University who have recently started a club on campus called the Samford Outdoor Adventure Club. Bryan sits down with President Jacob Barham and Vice Presidents AK and Jaxon as they share their vision for the group and discuss what it is about the outdoors that they’re so drawn to. Plus, they also share a few stories of their own about adventures (or misadventures) in the outdoors. These students are doing incredible things and I’m sure this won’t be the last time we hear from them on The Storied Outdoors. Enjoy!
Season 6 Introduction
Welcome to season 6! We cannot believe how much fun we’ve had over the past 5 seasons and aren’t slowing down now. This episode is two-fold, we get to preview the upcoming season and recap our trip to the Atlanta Fly Fishing Show. This season will be featuring guests from two of our favorite communities: the Alabama fly fishing community and the Rabbit Room community. We are so blessed to find ourselves somewhere between Lewis and Tolkien and Lewis and Clark and cannot wait to share these stories and adventures with you all!
Season 5 Wrap-up & A Gift of a Lifetime
We can’t believe it’s the end of Season Five! In this episode, we recap an eventful season with phenomenal guests and Brad ends the episode with a whopper of a story of his own. We give a few behind-the-scenes looks at some guests we had on the show as well as a peek behind the curtain of each essay.
Hank Hershey: Founder of Hanks Bait Shop.
We are joined by Hank Hershey. Hank is an artist, graphic designer, fisherman and avid outdoorsman. Born in Belgium, raised in the fine state of New Jersey, Hank now resides in Auburn, AL. He is a fisheries biologist by trade, and dedicates most of his time to the research and conservation of Alabama’s freshwater fishes. When he’s not painting or designing, he enjoys watching the woods wake up, and long canoe rides on southern piedmont streams. We hope you enjoy this episode where we talk about one of the most horrifying encounters with a bear we’ve ever heard. And we also talk about art and the Alabama fly fishing community. Swing by Hank’s website to learn more.
Sean Dietrich: Author, Musician, Humorist
This week’s guest is author and Southern humorist, Sean Dietrich! Sean is a columnist, novelist, and podcast host, known for his commentary on life in the American South. His work has appeared in Newsweek, Southern Living, Garden and Gun, The Tallahassee Democrat, Good Grit, South Magazine, Alabama Living, the Birmingham News, Thom Magazine, and The Mobile Press Register. He has authored thirteen books, and is the creator of the “Sean of the South” Podcast. His latest book, You Are My Sunshine, is releasing this month. It’s a laugh-out-loud funny true story of a loving relationship, a grand adventure, and a promise kept. Born in Kansas City Missouri, moved around a bit till he landed in Florida close enough to Alabama to be more of an Alabamian than a Floridian, and now resides in Alabama. Sean and his wife Jamie have been married for 19yrs. Be sure to tune in to hear our conversation with Sean as well as a guest appearance from Thelma Lou, the hound dog as she alerts the neighborhood of the mailman apparently threatening to approach Sean’s front door.