“Is any pleasure on earth as great as a circle of Christian friends by a good fire?”
C.S. Lewis—Letters of C.S. Lewis
Louis Markos: Author Of “On The Shoulders Of Hobbits”
In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Louis Markos, author and expert in C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien literature. We explore a wide range of topics in this fast-paced episode ranging from the beauty of national parks to the importance of male friendships. You don't want to blink during this episode or you'll miss the treasures this episode holds.
Season 5 :Lost And Found, The Story Of Two Lost Lures
Welcome to season 5 of The Storied Outdoors! This episode is a little longer than the others, but we had a full summer of adventures to recap. Also, we had a special guest and friend of the show, Wade Blevins with us and Wade is always good for a story or two. In this episode, we reminiscence about the highlights of Season 4 and preview the incredible lineup for Season 5.
Season Four Wrap-Up
In the season finale of Season 4, Bryan and Brad sit down to reflect on the guest and essays to finish off this spring season. Spring is coming to a close, and summer is quickly approaching as they sit down to reminisce and talk about their time together in Gadsden, AL fishing beneath Noccalula Falls in the Black Creek for stocked trout. "A tale of two fishermen," It is incredible how two guys have a vastly different experiences on the same trip. Bryan and Brad unpack that tale a little and reflect on that story.
Jayme & Morgan Snellgrove: Surviving Sally
Long time friends of Brad, Jayme and Morgan Snellgrove join the podcast to share their story about life on a sailboat. We learn all sorts practical things that go into sailing and we hear the about the recent naming of their lovely sail boat. Ultimately we get to hear the harrowing tail of how they survived Hurricane Sally in fall of 2020. There is so much to love about this conversation and we know you will enjoy getting to Know Jayme and Captain Morgan.
Jon Hagedorn: Founder of Family Lines
In this episode with Jon Hagedorn, we cover a wide range of topics, from his work developing the Family Lines ministry their documentary series to him being on the other side of the Camera. We get a glimpse into one of his defining moments and how the Lord has graciously led him through it to now beginning not just a new chapter but a new Volume altogether. We hear about some of the work Family lines do; we discuss one of our favorite topics, "Why is discussion around an open fire so good? And we discussed a little bit of fly fishing.
Scott Goolsby: Broyles Award winner for Alabama
Scott Goolsby is the 2021 Broyles Award winner for the state of Alabama, given to the most outstanding assistant coach in each state. Co-host, Bryan Gill grew up with Scott and looked up to him as a role model when he was a kid. Bryan still looks up to Scott as adults because he is a man of God who loves his family well. Oh, and by the way, he just so happens to be one of the best high school football coaches in America.
We hope you will enjoy this episode with Scott Goolsby, Defensive Coordinator for Auburn High School as he talks about some of his successes and insecurities that he's had to face over time as well as one of the most heart-wrenching losses a coach can ever endure on the field. It was the Alabama 7A state championship game in December of 2020. Auburn High was winning with 18 seconds left verses touted Alabama high school powerhouse, Thompson High School. Bryan was watching from Birmingham and had already sent a congratulatory text to Scott who was coaching the game. However, the game wasn't over....and well, you can read the rest of the story below and listen to Scott's incredible perspective in this episode. Enjoy!
Luke 5 Adventures: Hiking With Those Who Can’t Hike Themselves
For those who aren’t physically able to: Hike IT, Forge IT, Climb IT, Cross IT, or Ascend IT, Luke 5 Adventures can make IT possible. On this episode we are joined by the team from Luke 5 Adventures; Kevin Schwieger- Founder and President Whitney Blackston- Vice President Tricia Cartner- Volunteer Coordinator. We get to hear how this adventure began, some stories of some of their hikes, and how you can partner with them in this incredible organization.
David Kakish: Father, Pastor, Fly Fisherman
David Shares with us a harrowing story about a hike where he broke his ankle only a few days into living in a new place and his reflections on that experience. We cover some of our favorite topics and you won't want to miss hearing from David's heart about the importance about our experiences in the outdoors.
Dr. Kyle Beshears: Pastor, Author, Kayaker
A conversation about Backpacking in Europe, Kayaking on the Gulf Coast and Kyle Beshears most recent book Apatheism.