There and Back Again Chapter 80: Essay by Dr. Bryan Gill
Henry David Thoreau once wrote, “The question is not what you look at, but what you see.” In this essay, Dr. Gill recalls the story of a photography trip he took with his first camera, a Pentax K1000. While this story didn't end the way he had hoped, it was redeemed 25 years later when he had a second chance at photographing a beautiful red fox. Now, when he looks at that fox, he sees much more than the photo, he sees the heartache and joy that that image evokes.
The title, "There and Back Again: Chapter 80," is taken from J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. There and Back Again is the title of Bilbo Baggins' memoir that Frodo is tasked to finish. However, Chapter 80 of this red leather covered manuscript is unwritten and that is where one story ends and another begins.
Be sure to listen as Brad Hill artfully reads this essay written by Dr. Bryan Gill entitled, "There and Back Again: Chapter 80."
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Music Written and recorded By Brad Hill
“You don’t make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved”
The images in the photo gallery are some referenced by Dr. Gill in the essay. The 9-pointer, 11-pointer, 12 lb bass, and turkey are the trophies mentioned. The wren, house finch and chipmunk are the ones Dr. Gill and his daughter photographed from his deck last Spring. Dr. Gill’s son is shown with a camera of his own photographing nature on the birding walk where the Summer Tanager and Red Fox were spotted (also pictured).