Beautiful Interruption:Essay By Dr. Bryan Gill
“We must stop regarding unpleasant or unexpected things as interruptions of real life. The truth is that interruptions are real life.”
Sometimes life forces you to slow down. That’s not always a bad thing. In the fall of 2020, Bryan was forced to slow down. But, after a fishing trip, a bald eagle, and a plane ride, he learned a valuable lesson about taking care of himself. Self-care, soul-care, me time; call it what you want, it’s important. In this essay, Bryan reflects on these events and the beauty of the mundane that he encountered on a kayaking trip with his family.
If you are interest in Three Mile an Hour God for some further reading click the link to purchase this book.
Further Reading on the subject of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by Jon Mark Comer is an excellent resource on this topic inspired by Dallas Willard’s comments on Hurry.
Music written and recorded by Brad Hill
“Time stands still best in moments that look suspiciously like ordinary life”